416-703-4344 | TOLL-FREE: 1 (855) 9-BRIGHT
Our Charity & Foundation Services Toolkit lets your organization choose and pay for only the services you need while helping you grow your market, stakeholder participation, and process management.
When your organization is ready for more services, there's no need to learn a new system or addadditional hardware and software. Many of our services follow an on-demand model, only paying for what you use and growing with your organization.
Our platform is designed to handle all your data. Fund raisers, registrations, donations, ongoing activities and projects can all be managed from One Integrated Interface.
Stakeholders and staff can all co-ordinate activities and projects anywhere. Volunteers can contribute their time and efforts in an organized and meaningful way from any Internet connected device, maximizing their time and the benefits to your organization with no need to have everyone in the same place at one time.
Information and data can be organized and reviewed in a manner that makes sense to an organization's ongoing and changing needs.
Today's donations are hard fought, with many competing interests for individuals' charity dollars.